America’s Fastest Network 360° Campaign


AT&T’s America’s Fastest Network campaign was a full 360° campaign that ran in Charlotte and Raleigh. Deliverables included radio, social for Facebook and Instagram, Snapchat filters, static and animated OOH, display and traditional broadcast tv spots. The campaign aimed to shift consumer perspective and opinion about AT&T’s network - using real claims and data to highlight superiority in the region. 


Out of Home Animated Billboards

Animated OOH 15 sec. cutdown lived in various sizings and specs on live and mobile billboards throughout the Charlotte and Raleigh area.

Screen Shot 2020-09-24 at 12.29.24 PM.png

Examples of Additional Tactics

Display Banners, Facebook Ads, Snapchat Filters


AT&T Fiber | Multi-Dwelling Units Digital Campaign 2019


DIRECTV NFL Sunday Ticket | 2019 Campaign